Household Energy Consumption

Plans & More

Eco+Plan provides more than just design and drawing services.  We are typically involved in the project from start to finish, assisting clients and builders in obtaining price quotes, specialty products, and even monitoring the completed building's energy performance.

Energy Modeling

Eco+Plan uses advanced energy modeling software to design its superinsulated and zero energy homes.  Originally designed by German engineers for creating "Passive Houses", the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is the best available software for extremely low energy homes.


When creating superinsulated and zero energy buildings, construction details become very important.  Relativly small changes in a building system can create large energy and health improvements.  Eco+Plan provides you with the support needed to follow through with these important details.


Eco+Plan does not abandon you after construction is complete. Using remote dataloggers and your feedback we are able to monitor building performance to ensure that everything is working properly.  This feedback helps us to intimatly understand our buildings and inform our design process.